Back To Swim With ProSwimwear

Back To Swim With ProSwimwear

That time of year is finally here, where swimmers and swimming clubs are getting back into gear for the new season of swimming.This year could be the year you really put in the hard work to make a difference and we have the tools and swimwear you need to do just that!

If you're going to break your best times this year, you'll be after some technique aids, and a top-spec racing suit. Combing the two (along with a lot of hard work and determination) will certainly help you smash your PB's! Training aids help to develop technique and strength, whereas the performance suit reduces drag and increases compression to keep you swimming faster for longer.

Take a look at some of our top picks which are certain to aid you in your quest for swimming greatness:


Speedo LZR Elite 2MP Focus SnorkelFINIS Long Floating Fins


Maybe you're not looking to set a new record or be the fastest at the pool, perhaps you just want to swim to keep fit. We have a whole range of products to suit the regular fitness swimmer. Comfortable training goggles, durable training swimwear, and even a waterproof MP3 to pass the time.

Enjoy your time in the pool with these top picks that are perfect for fitness based swims:

TYR AW17 RangeSpeedo V-Class GogglesFINIS Duo Waterproof MP3


Now, with all of this new swim gear, you need somewhere to keep it all, and picking the right bag might not be as easy as you think, they come in all different shapes and sizes, all boasting their own unique benefits! Grab yourself a mesh bag to allow your swimming costume and towel to air dry on the way home, pick up a rucksack for extra space either for your change of clothes or training aids (or even both)

Here are some of our favorite bags that are sure to last countless trips to the pool:

Dolfin Ready Room BackpackArena Fast SwimbagSpeedo Teamster Rucksack

We have an entire page dedicated to our amazing Back To Swim, swimwear, and accessories, check it out below:


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