Overcome Your Fear of the Open Water

Looking to get out of the pool and into the open water but are still uncomfortable swimming in this horizon, there are steps you can take to help you feel more comfortable and safe in the water.


Open Water Swimming Benefits

There are many benefits to open water swimming. Being able to swim endlessly in a rhythm without being interrupted by a wall is incredibly peaceful.The advantages of swimming in outdoor environments encompass a wide range of benefits, from improving your mood to strengthening your immune system.

You can learn more about the benefits of open water swimming here.


Understanding your Fears

In order to address your anxiety about open water swimming, you have to understand where it stems from. Is it a fear of the deep water or something else? Being able to find the root of this will help you to find the right steps to make you feel more comfortable in the water.

In a transformative experience that challenges your comfort zone, ensure that your objective is something you can consistently manage. When the objective is within your control, you have the authority to determine what constitutes success and failure. The most effective goal is one that is grounded in the effort you intend to invest, rather than the duration it requires, your final position, or the perceptions of others.

You can find a local swimming or triathlon coach who will schedule private sessions with you in the pool and in the open water. Developing a better technique can significantly improve your swimming ability and can help reduce a general fear of the water.


More Steps To Stay and Feel Safe

-Use a swim buoy

-Swim with others familiar with the waters

-Do your research and be strategic

-Pay attention to the lifeguard recommendations

-Have a plan of where you’ll be swimming and for how long

-Regularly check in with those you’re swimming with

-Gradually increase the time you’re in the open water based on your comfort and fitness levels

-Swim along the shoreline so you have easy access to get out at any time


Learn more about how to stay safe when open water swimming here.


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